Livio Baumgartner

Pupil, Elsau-Schlatt Secondary School, Level A

Application for apprenticeship from August 2025

Computer science application development EFZ

I will turn 15 years old in the summer and live in Elsau. I completed kindergarten and primary school there and am currently in the 2nd year of secondary school at level A.

This is me

I am a helpful, adventurous, initially somewhat reserved, determined, and humorous person.

This spring, we had the opportunity to do a three-week internship organized by our school. I had the chance to explore various professions in depth and gained valuable insights through the fantastic training companies.

However, it quickly became clear to me that the profession of application developer fascinated me the most. I was fortunate to intern at four different companies and gather many impressions. What appeals to me about an apprenticeship as an application developer EFZ is the diversity – the combination of computer science, thinking through abstract processes, and working in a team. The tasks and requirements align perfectly with what I enjoy doing and the skills I possess.

Application Documents
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